Monday, January 4, 2010

Under the Weather (continued, unfortunately)

Well, it seems my stomach bug cleared up, but now I have had this cold/intermittent uncontrollable, hacking cough combo that has really exhausted me over the past week. Plus, my voice fades out pretty quickly, which I've discovered can work to my advantage. And with this cough, I can't wait to get my own seat (or car) on the train tomorrow, along with some nasty looks. :)

I am feeling much better today, though, I can use some more sleep - make that a lot more sleep since the cough keeps me up nights now and last night was no exception.

Here is my natural medicine regimen, which I've added to as symptoms appeared:

Vitamin C tablets - personal preference as opposed to the fizzy drinks out there, like Emergen-C (maybe I should've started with the C earlier, but better late than never),
Umcka ColdCare sugar-free syrup, by Nature's Way (I've previously recommended Umcka for colds so this was a natural pick in the syrup form and as a bonus is that is way tastier than any other liquid medicine I can remember),
Herbalis herbal syrup with wild honey and propolis (feels really soothing to my throat, thumbs down in the taste department though),
Zand green tea herbalozenge (very tasty throat lozenges sweetened with rice syrup and not corn syrup, like Coldeeze and other products I checked out)
and last but not least,
B&T night time Cough & Bronchial Syrup (I am very excited to try this out tonight for the first time and sleep well since last night was frustrating in the sleep department).

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