Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Under the Weather

I have not been feeling well for the last few days with an irritable stomach. It felt like New Year's Eve fireworks were being shot off in my belly and sounded like a rock concert. Not fun. Initially, I thought maybe I ate something that did not agree with my super-healthy belly or ate too much sugar, or sugar, period, now that I am off my sugar-free routine. Could it be the delectable hot drinking chocolate or artisan truffles from my favorite local chocolate shop? Or could it be the Dunkin' Donuts hot chocolate that I tasted on Sunday, which I actually bought for someone else? Long story. I won't have any more of that DND hot chocolate for sure, but alas, I cannot make that promise about my favorite chocolate shop. Wish I could.

Anyway, it turns out I have a stomach bug, at least, according to my traditional medical doctor. As an aside, my GP does not know what kombucha is when I mentioned I am loading up on probiotics by drinking it and she recommended I drink Gatorade (yuck). Coconut water would've been a better suggestion since it is natural and has all the enzyme-replenishing benefits as Gatorade. But I digress, we all know there is a gap between traditional medicine and naturopathy.

What natural remedies do you use when you are under the weather or when you feel something coming on? Do you have a winter routine of taking Vitamin C , Airborne or drinking ginger tea? I would love to hear from you.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Inked Up...with henna

My lovely lotus flower henna tattoo (and glitter) on my inner forearm. The top picture was taken right after it was painted on and the bottom one is after it dried overnight and the paint was chipped off. The lotus flower is symbolic of new beginnings, rebirth and awakenings in Asian cultures. The lotus flower itself grows in the mud and muck at the bottom of a pond and grows up towards the light of the water's surface into a beautiful flower.

After darkness, always comes light.

Sugar Fast is OVER

Yes, that is breaking news. But, here is the thing, I don't plan to do much differently now that I've adapted my eating habits to a much healthier level. I didn't make a run for a chocolate bar or a sinful dessert, though I thought about it to be honest. I actually picked up and then put away the Seattle Chocolate bar that's been in my pantry for months now. Now that's progress.

Really, I will maintain my recent habits and indulge in moderation when I am dining out mainly, and only then, when it's truly worthwhile. I will continue to cook and bake with alternative sugars, like agave nectar, maple syrup, date sugar and more.

Although, with today's snowy, rainy weather, I could use a nice cup of hot chocolate. I am talking about the good stuff, not from a packet made with water but the high quality, thick drinking chocolate. Let's see what I can find in NYC...sweetened with agave or at the very least cane sugar.

Funny quote

I saw this quote on a doormat earlier and it made me chuckle out loud.
"Beware: Dog cannot hold his licker".
Reminds me of someone furry and extremely affectionate. :)