It's been a long time coming and I've wanted to get my India photos uploaded so here they are, most without captions -- for the moment. Mange! (OK, that's French, but I don't know how to say "eat" in Hindi.) ~Namaste.
This was from one of our first lunches on the tour. The cashew curry (at about 7:00 on the plate to the left) was amazing. I talked about how much I loved it the entire trip and on one of the last nights, I got to cook it (with some help of course), using ingredients from the local market. There is a photo below of the pan while I am cooking the cashew curry...So delicious...
Basic Crepes
Crepes don’t have to be difficult! Once you master this basic crepe recipe
you can make perfect sweet or savory crepes on a whim.
Continue reading Basic...